Sales CPR Hang Out

Would you like to know how to find

right now ready to buy customers?

And get them to your business NOW?

Are you on an advertising feast or famine routine?

You spend tons of time and money on advertising to get new customers and when the ad is new, you get some. As time passes, the pickins get slim. Time for another ad?!

You can stop the madness NOW.

This is a rare opportunity to have a master (my mentor Steve Rosenbaum) and a panel of local marketing experts discuss their favorite method for helping small businesses ring the cash register and find new sales NOW!

This method works for businesses of all types: large and small, old and new. Business owners will be able to interact and directly ask questions of the panel.

This is an exclusive live interactive online discussion on

Tuesday March 19 scheduled from 3-4pm.

(There will be questions and answers with the audience so it may run over)

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how to increase sales