Category Archives for Getting & Keeping New Customers

Why Saying “Call Me” Doesn’t Work

I got a direct message through Facebook last night. It was a message from a friend who also is a marketer but a bit more of an old-school salesman. It’s not too odd because as online marketers, we’re always trying new tools and methods. Especially when it comes to acquiring new customers.

How Buying Leads Could Kill Your Business

It seems harmless enough and everybody does it. Here is one example of how buying leads could kill your business. If you’re thinking that’s hype, how well do you think your business would fare facing the inevitable multi-million dollar lawsuit? In case you missed it, A direct mail campaign sent out by office max exposed one […]

What Is A Capture Page?

Here is an example of a capture page. It is designed to attract people to your email marketing list. It’s how you catch the “big fish.” the people who buy from you again and again. This page will have a singular focus and direct people to a specific list. From there, you can find what […]