Dynamic Website vs A Static Website; Why You Want To Be Dynamic

A static website was not a fad, it has just become antiquated. Yes it was the edge you needed over the competition when the internet was wide open, new, and nobody had a website. Now static sites are just clutter in the search results.


Static sites give the reader only basic information. People who go to your website have questions, a lot more questions than your website answers. You might be thinking “That’s why they need to come to me, to get their questions answered.” Yes and no.


Face to face time is the most expensive time businesses spend. That’s because it’s all too often wasted on the wrong people, those who are not all three Ready, Willing, and Able (RWA) to buy. That said, let’s get back to your website.


Does your website do its job?

What about your website says that YOU are the person they NEED to see to have their needs filled or to start with getting their questions answered? When you get down to it, a website should answer the critical question in the visitor’s mind and provide a compelling call to action.


The critical question is “Why should I do business with you vs. every other competitive option including doing nothing?” Is that answer located on your site? If it is, where is it? A blurb at the end of the page the visitor never scrolls down to? A statement on your contact page? Did you know that actual use of the contacts page (not just yours, everybody’s) is so low that your website analytics wonders if the page really even exists?


Let’s say someone does fill out the contact form. Then where does the email go from that page? To an inbox that is so busy that your lead becomes buried by everything else, or worse yet, an inbox that nobody checks? If so don’t feel like you’re alone there, that is sadly the norm. I’ll get off the rant on contact pages and get on to what a dynamic website does for you.


Am I just “Jumping on the bandwagon?”

When you are answering the critical question, you’re pointing out what makes your business unique. The last thing you want to do is the same as everybody else, right? Good news! A dynamic website could even be made from a template but the content will NEVER be the same as any other website. Why? Because of the content you post and the feedback you get. Why is there so much fuss about dynamic websites and web 2.0? It’s because of the interactive nature of the site.


What does it do for my customer?

When I said that a dynamic website will not be the same as any other website, I also meant the experience. It too will never be exactly the same, not even for the same person on their next visit. Why is that? Because the content is always changing. People comment on what you write. You respond to their comments. Other people respond and a dialog is created. It’s never the exact same experience. That’s why people come back. That is the dynamic or ever changing, aspect of web 2.0 that actually justifies the buzz.


A dynamic website allows people to get their questions answered, with or without you actually spending your time answering them. It allows them to get clarification on something that is confusing to them. That clarification remains there for others to see for as long as the site remains active. By now you’ve heard that what goes on the web, stays on the web. That’s for good and bad. In some cases your material can outlast your site if it is exceptionally helpful and people save it.


What does it do for me?

Well planned dynamic sites keep people there long enough to get an idea of whether they want to do business with you. There is more information about you than just what is written. They get to know your “voice” in how you write and answer people’s questions. Do you give timely responses or wait a year. That shows them your priorities. Is your tone condescending or caring? Do you know what you’re talking about?


All of these things come out over time. Your priorities, tone, and credibility are all there for potential and current customers to see. What makes the dynamic site worth the investment is it takes no more effort than that first time you wrote the content or answered a comment for it to continue working for you as long as the page is up. Your content is an asset that helps you convert prospects and strengthen customer loyalty as you grow it.


A dynamic site is the hub of your marketing system. It is the platform for branding, advertising, and promotion efforts.

To get started building a content asset for your business, click here.


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Rob Calhoun

Backend Specialist at R. Calhoun IE
Rob Calhoun Helps small to medium businesses succeed by developing or refining their marketing strategy. He then sets up systems that get new customers, retain repeat customers, and re-energize past customers to buy again. Rob also helps marketers do the same for their clients.

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