How Do I Know My Offline Business Needs To Be Online?
This is a quick list of three points to take a close look at to determine if your business should have an online presence.
1. Your customers ask you if you have a website
The customer is the lifeblood of your business. No customer, no business. I know that’s business 101 but if you’re not listening to your customers, I guaranty your competitors are.
Do some opposition research. Start looking around at your competitors’ sites to see what you’re up against. You’ll have some examples to give to your web designer. What? They don’t have a website either? That is the biggest reason why you need one now, to gain the advantage. If you are competing with anyone for customers’ dollars, do you think they will be kind and let you catch up to them in the techniques and practices that give them an advantage over you and others? NO. And if they do have a website and you don’t, you’re falling way behind.
2. Traditional (print, radio, TV, etc.) advertising is not bringing in the traffic it used to
It’s not just you. People ignore electric (TV & radio) advertising and print advertising goes directly from mailbox to recycle bin without so much as a glance. That’s everybody’s traditional advertising. People just don’t have time to bother with something that does not have real and immediate value to them. They accept advertising when it’s done right, but still only on their terms.
Treat your advertising like an employee. If it’s not producing, it’s time to find a replacement and issue a pink slip. Small business has no room for waste and advertising is costly.
3. You want to grow your youth market
Let’s face it. You may have a loyal following with the older crowd, but when they die off your business goes with them. Do you want your business to have an expiration date? NO!
If you want your business to have the greatest chance at longevity, you need a (continuous) fresh crop of customers. Where are they? Online. I’m no rocket scientist, but even I’ve figured out if you want people, you go where the people are. You must have been thinking along those lines as well to be here reading this.
Now that you know your business needs to be online, it’s time to get the ball rolling and make it happen. Whether you work with me, somebody else, or do it yourself, you need to get online. Click Here, Fill out the form, and I’ll help you get started in the way that best suits your needs.
Rob Calhoun
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