Do You Believe In Magic Marketing?

There is no magic bullet in marketing for your business. That’s right! I said it and I won’t backpedal a single bit. There’s no single thing that will bring a pack of buyers with cash in hand to your business despite what people might say to the contrary. It takes a number of solutions working […]

What Is Web 2.0 And Why Should Business Care?

I referred to web 2.0 in a post in a way that may mislead people into thinking it has a different meaning. It was an off handed remark on web 2.0 sounding domain names. Clients ask for something that sounds web 2.0 with the idea that the term means fresh or what’s now. That’s not […]

What’s A Domain Extension And How Do I Choose One?

This has turned into quite the series. The last two installments “What’s In A (Domain) Name? More Than You Might Think” and “The Exceptions To The Rules When Naming A Domain” answered the question of how to pick a domain name. The answer would not be complete without addressing the domain extension. You can learn […]

The Exceptions To The Rules When Naming A Domain

I started this out with the article last week with “What’s In A (Domain) Name?” and went so long that I had to continue it here. You’ll find that many of the good name ideas are taken. So with the points mentioned previously (Identify, Keep It Short, Use Simple Common Words), you’ll be looking outside the […]