How Buying Leads Could Kill Your Business

It seems harmless enough and everybody does it. Here is one example of how buying leads could kill your business. If you’re thinking that’s hype, how well do you think your business would fare facing the inevitable multi-million dollar lawsuit? In case you missed it, A direct mail campaign sent out by office max exposed one […]

Why Businesses Don’t “Get” Email Marketing

I’m sure you’ve heard or perhaps even said “Email marketing isn’t what it used to be…” Businesses will try technology (Often on the cheap) and say “It doesn’t work for us” making up some lame excuse how they tried it blah, blah, blah. Is it any wonder when you cut all the corners that you’re […]

Business Communications History Is Being Made

We don’t really notice when history is actually being made. Even though the affects are far reaching and often taken for granted as the “new normal.” Look at the example of the smart phone. We have all but forgotten that it was IBM’s Simon that was the first commercially viable merge of the PDA with […]