Wishing All A Merry Christmas

What is the easiest content you can write for your business site? (I gave you a hint in the title!) Holiday related material is a drop dead simple way to create fresh content that makes sense and your audience will enjoy. Here’s three quick points to keep in mind to generate holiday content painlessly.   […]

Is Your Website User Hostile?

You always like to think that your website, email messages, text messages, or other online marketing is “user friendly.” But have you gone through your process? That’s all well and good that it’s intuitive to you, you designed it. Have you had others test it out? This is a lesson I thought might be helpful […]

Why Would You Want To Join Your Mailing List?

FOR A MOMENT I want you to forget about the customer. I know that’s a heretical statement but bear with me. What do YOU do with the mass mailed advertising YOU receive? Do you eagerly run into your house from the mailbox with a stack of flyers, postcards, and letters addressed to you “or current […]

Why Businesses Don’t “Get” Email Marketing

I’m sure you’ve heard or perhaps even said “Email marketing isn’t what it used to be…” Businesses will try technology (Often on the cheap) and say “It doesn’t work for us” making up some lame excuse how they tried it blah, blah, blah. Is it any wonder when you cut all the corners that you’re […]

Traffic Taco Dog

There was a commercial for taco bell in the ’90’s that had a chihuahua trying to capture Godzilla. That’s kind of like how businesses are with Internet traffic. Except it’s good that Internet traffic won’t stomp you flat like a bug. It just squirts through your grasp like water though.But think, What will you do […]