Adding Images With Impact To Your Posts

Using images anywhere on your website can be expensive. No I don’t mean buying the rights. I’m talking about just going to google and finding a picture that looks good. When copyright violations can cost you as much as $10,000 per instance, buying rights is a real bargain.

Wishing All A Merry Christmas

What is the easiest content you can write for your business site? (I gave you a hint in the title!) Holiday related material is a drop dead simple way to create fresh content that makes sense and your audience will enjoy. Here’s three quick points to keep in mind to generate holiday content painlessly.   […]

More Traffic Does Not Equal More Profits

The logical argument is that the more people who are exposed to your message, the more people you will have buying your product/service. Here in the real world, logic does not always apply.Why doesn’t more traffic equal more profits?The simple answer is traffic is nothing more than people moving through your website, store, or trade […]

5 Scary Website Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Don’t Make Your Customers Run For The Hills   Great news….somebody has visited your website.  Hurray!  Perhaps they might buy your product or decide to use your services…but wait…oh NO!  They are leaving again. “What?” you cry, “They only stayed for 5 seconds”.     Yes, they stayed long enough to be appalled by your […]

Traffic Taco Dog

There was a commercial for taco bell in the ’90’s that had a chihuahua trying to capture Godzilla. That’s kind of like how businesses are with Internet traffic. Except it’s good that Internet traffic won’t stomp you flat like a bug. It just squirts through your grasp like water though.But think, What will you do […]