5 Scary Website Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Don’t Make Your Customers Run For The Hills   Great news….somebody has visited your website.  Hurray!  Perhaps they might buy your product or decide to use your services…but wait…oh NO!  They are leaving again. “What?” you cry, “They only stayed for 5 seconds”.     Yes, they stayed long enough to be appalled by your […]

Traffic Taco Dog

There was a commercial for taco bell in the ’90’s that had a chihuahua trying to capture Godzilla. That’s kind of like how businesses are with Internet traffic. Except it’s good that Internet traffic won’t stomp you flat like a bug. It just squirts through your grasp like water though.But think, What will you do […]

What’s A Domain Extension And How Do I Choose One?

This has turned into quite the series. The last two installments “What’s In A (Domain) Name? More Than You Might Think” and “The Exceptions To The Rules When Naming A Domain” answered the question of how to pick a domain name. The answer would not be complete without addressing the domain extension. You can learn […]