Don’t Try To Bury Bad Customer Reviews

I was thinking about how businesses try burying bad reviews (the wrong way) and the movie Poltergeist came to mind. It’s one scene in particular where the coffins and bodies started popping out of the ground in a rainstorm. That’s a lot like how your reputation problems start popping up when you think you’ve got […]

Repeat Sales Murdered! Look For These 6 Suspects

There are many reasons customers will take their future business to one of your competitors instead of coming back to you… Are you aware of potential murderers lurking around your business that will kill your repeat sales?   Many businesses are not… which is a huge mistake.   What Makes Customers Choose NOT to Come […]

Repeat Customers; What Makes Them Come Back?

  What’s the key to survival in the world of small business?Before I answer that I need to know, do you just want to survive or thrive? The key to surviving is having more people come to your business to buy your product/service.   The key to thriving is having: more repeat customers spending more money telling other people […]